Name | License/Permit Number | |
ISO 15189 | 3712.01 | |
CLIA | 22D0950490 |
Name | License/Permit Number | |
State of Rhode Island | LCO00843 | |
State of Pennsylvania | 33760 | |
State of Massachusetts | 3338 | |
State of Maryland | 2147 | |
State of Florida | 800027665 | |
State of California | COS 00800509 |
Some expiration dates may not be current. This is usually due to delays by the federal, state or private agency responsible for inspection, application review and issuance of these licenses or certificates. All licenses or certificates remain current while license renewal applications, inspections, and/or other review process are taking place toward the issuance of a new license. For more information about our licenses and certifications, contact us at 617-553-5880.