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Dear Me NH

Dear Me,

We both need to quit this habit, I am being stupid, I had Open Heart Surgery and my Husband has Emphysema. I want to lead a long healthy life with him and have a lot of years together.



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Dear Me:

You know your pulmonary Dr has told you all the damage you are doing to your lungs smoking with COPD . He has told you at the age of 58 your lungs are like an 80yr old. He reminded you how many relatives you have lost and that if you continue you won’t live long enough to enjoy your loved one’s who are still growing and your grandchildren who need me. But you still continue to dismiss all this advice because the addiction to nicotine has you believing it calms you when stressed it comforts you when your upset but you forget it also is killing you. You are ignoring all the warning signs even while using your nebulizer and inhaler you still continue to dismiss these warnings that your life expectancy is shortened the longer you continue to smoke. You have tried different methods of quitting the nicotine habit and failed, you use the excuse if you quit now it doesn’t matter because the damage will never heal it self; you always have an excuse even when you break the promises to quit.

Dear Me try again, be stronger, ask for help, don’t be afraid to fail and have to try again; it can work for you, it can give you a better quality of life left to live.

Dear Me I don’t want to die.

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Dear Me,

I quit 10 days ago.
I have been smoking since I was 16 I am now 48 I wanted to quit for a couple of reasons on because I’m a grandmother of a beautiful little boy who turns one this month, also I started mixed martial arts a year ago and enjoy it very much and one more reason is because my sister who is my best friend was diagnosed with ms a few years ago and she has made me beneficiary if something happens to her to make sure my nephew has what he needs and I want to make sure I’m around for all of this for a long time.


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Dear Me,

I did not realize what a hold cigarettes had on me, but we were all exposed to “fags” as being hip, sophisticated and cool. Heck, we even got candy cigarettes in our stockings on the mantle at Christmas time !!! We would take one of Pop’s ciggies down to the cellar or out behind the garage and light up !!! There were no restrictions or regulations as to who could but cigarettes at the store, so we would be “dispatched” by Dad to the corner store( to give him a break and a chance to relax ) to purchase Lucky Strikes, Tarytons, or Larks (with the charcoal filters). Dad would always have enough to pick up some baseball cards, soda or candy bar!!! Later on when I had a paper route, I had my own cash, so I could buy some Winstons myself and smoke with pals along the paper route in the afternoon while American Bandstand was on!!! Quitting anything is always more difficult than starting it (unless you have a severe case of PROCRASTINATION!!!).

Ya gotta KEEP ON TRYIN’…!!!

God bless and “God save US all!

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Dear Me,

Dear Me,

Please quit so you can experience the beauty that your grandchildren bring to your life. As the grandbabies age they are very smart and recognize that smoking is harmful, stinky, and dirty. Furthermore, this habit is going to kill you in one way or another. You stopped smoking and your daughter was a non-smoker. Now that she is in her mid twenties Sammy is smoking. Shame on you for not being the strong one and remaining a non smoker. Remember your father being one of the fortunate heart recipients and that his medical condition is one that you have, too. Your stamina could be stronger, your teeth could be brighter, and you will not need to stand outside when the outside temperature is pushing toward Zero. Think about the financial savings and how much more money you could have in your savings account. You quit before and was a non smoker for nearly two decades. Please quit, again!


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Dear Me:

You quit in 2007 because your beautiful, smart 2 yr son Joe begged you to quit! You did it! Remember? YOU and Holly, together climbed the depths of hell, you used the patch, you went to Exeter Hosptial cessation program and you quit for three years! Sadly, you started again during your divorce and now you’ve been smoking for five years ? But your ready to reclaim your LIFE!! Monday morning YOU WILL PUT ON THAT PATCH and be a non smoker! Remember how clear your lungs were, how amazing things smelled and the taste of food, omg the taste of food was outstanding!! YOU were SO PROUD! YOU can quit again! Finish this letter, go get celery sticks and mints! You have your patches, YOU ARE READY!
Your kids all wrote you their reasons, keep that note with you everywhere you go!
I love you, your kids love you and need you, you really wanna be a granny!!!

Love Melissa – A soon to be non smoker again! This time I will NEVER START AGAIN!!

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Dear Me,

You used to yell at your parents for smoking. Your dad had 3 heart attacks and could die if he doesn’t quit. Your fiancé is in the army and if you smoke around him and he starts again, you could mess up his entire career and you will lose him for good. His dad is dying of lung cancer and none of this has scared you yet? What is wrong with you? Smarten up!

Sincerely, me


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Dear Me –

I wish so badly that I could go back and never start to begin with. I am just about 40 and I am already having trouble breathing. Stairs are soo hard, doesn’t help being over weight. Quitting will help you to get back in shape and stop struggling to breath. Good luck with quitting. YOU CAN DO IT!!!


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Dear Me,

You were diagnosed with Type I Diabetes and Cancer runs in the family. Don’t you want to live a long healthy life? Cigarettes don’t control you, you control you. You have tried to quit before and failed but you have much to live for such as Friends and family. I know you are tired of your house, clothes and car smelling like smoke. Now is the time to change all that! The excuses you make to smoke such as stress can be dealt with in more positive non destructive ways. Think of how nice it will be not to have to hide the fact that you are a smoker from your in-laws and sneaking around worrying if they can smell it on you. As a teenager you always said that you would never be a smoker because it is a disgusting habit but you started at age 21. It has been 17 years now and it is time to think of you and your health. With the support you can do it! I believe in you.


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Dear Me,

I’m tired of smelling like an ashtray, hearing the constant whirring of the “air purifier” that doesn’t work, and having that sticky iick taste in my mouth. I want to BREATHE! This is going to SUCK but you have so much in your life worth living for… so let’s start living smoke-free!




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Dear Me

Dear Me,

You’re grandparents have both passed away from cancer. They once smoked once upon a time like I do. You need to quit. you got this. you’ve done it before and failed when something bad happened in life. Its life.. stuff happens. You can quit just think of positive things and you can do it, only you can do it.

– Kerri

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Dear Me,

Dear Me,
You grew up with both parents smoking and absolutely hated it! You got smoke in the eyes, ashes that went back in your face if you had the front and back car windows open, burns on your fingers from a hug with a cigarette in someone’s hand.  Now you can barely breathe without a rattle in your chest, you have a terrible hacking cough that interrupts conversations and movies and TV shows and you’re not even 30!!!  You swore you would never pick up smoking it was so gross why would you want to? You feel like you were literally pressured into it but you could’ve easily stopped shortly after, you liked it!!  Made me feel sophisticated…does it still feel so sophisticated now that you can’t breathe and are instantly in a bad mood without cigarettes? You keep putting off quitting, saying you don’t mean, you’re just procrastinating!!! You wanna travel the world and relax on beaches, that’d be a ton better without a respirator!!
Love Me

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Dear Me,

I smoke because I love it; the way it feels entering my body, the
opportunity to get outdoors, and the ability to release from relentless
anxieties.  But I want to quit. I’ve realized that I can replicate that
feeling of euphoria in my body by enjoying the outdoor activities I love,
while minimizing my anxiousness.

Here’s to us all and our successful liberation from tobacco!


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Dear Me,

I know how many times you have tried to quit and failed. watched your health decline along with that nasty smell always on your fingers and in your mouth. I love you a lot and I think you would be a lot better off if you would just put them down for good. You mean a lot to me due to the fact that you are me! Good luck, I know you can do it!



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Dear Me

The time has come.  You have had ‘smoke in you eyes’ since the day you were born, parents smoked.  You have invited it into your lungs for 35 years.  I am done with you:  the manipulation and dependency you create, the health & financial costs.  I am ready to take deep breathes of clean soothing air.  I am done!  My quit date is 12/15/13.



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Dear Me,

I want to quit smoking for my health. I have reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome, fibro, hep C and stage three cirrhosis of the live. I tried my first cigarette at age nine. Starting at 18 I began smoking regularly. I am tired of smelling like smoke, my hair, clothes, etc.. I believe my smoking has contributed to my failing health. You should not ever want to smoke again…yet you keep smoking.

I would like to quit smoking using the free nicotine therapy patches.




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Commit to Quit Smoking in 2013!

Make 2013 the year you quit smoking! This could be the most important resolution you ever make. Help is available to help you stop smoking for good.

During the holiday season, many people decide to improve their lives and health by making resolutions. These resolutions can take many forms: exercising more, losing weight, or getting more sleep. If you are a smoker, a key resolution you can make this year is to quit smoking. Start by calling 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) to get free advice and support in helping you to quit now.

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Dear Me,

Do you know you’re 25 years old? Do you? Do you know that your chest hurts when you smoke too many cigarettes? I do. Do you know that you never DON’T smoke too many cigarettes? I do.

Your father just had a heart attack. He nearly died. Smoking is the leading cause of a second heart attack. Your family suffers from so many many many medical conditions. Why are you adding smoking? You don’t like yourself when you smoke.

You hate the cold, so winter and New Hampshire and smoking are a terrible mix for you. Think cold pain spikes in your finger tips and switching hands with each drag so you can put the other one back in your pocket.

So, why do you keep saying you have to quit and then not do it?

Seriously? Don’t you know you’re stronger than your addiction? I do.



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Dear Me:

I smoke for no reason, I smoke to many years, I don’t like the smell or the taste in my mouth. I’m coughing, I have developed bronchitis with frequent colds, I want to play with my grandchildren without being out of breath, go for walks with them, spend time; cause when I take time to smoke my grandchildren won’t come near me for about 45 minutes. I’m praying I can do it. I use tobaco to convince me I need to smoke to calm me, or just because there is nothing else to do, light up cause everyone else does. I have to put in my mind I can have a better cruch than a cigarette; I will carry a picture of my grandchildren knowing there healthy and I have a chance of being heathy again. The fear of not smoking again is tremondous; I will find supplements like mouth wash, candy, celery sticks, fruits, the first week is the most nightmare of letting go. I tell myself I can do this for me. My mind will tell me back not smoking is the best part of life. Wish me luck. Thank you for your support.



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Dear Me,

You know the reason you started smoking again. I know it wasn’t an easy time when Mom died last year. She smoked and ended up with terminal lung cancer. You saw what she went through. You were with her when she got diagnosed and started treatment. Yes it was too late but she gave you 6 1/2 months after being diagnosed. You started smoking and now it is time to quit. Again… You have a little boy who looks up to you and thinks you are his whole world. Health is another reason. For you and for him. So get the help you need. It is going to be hard but you can do it. You are a strong person. You will overcome this.



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Dear Me:

I have been smokeing since i was 17 and I want to STOP. ? I want to have more money to do things with friends and family. It has been difficult for me but i am doing it. ? I am feeling Healthier and more energetic than i have been!!!!


James B

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Dear Me,

The morning cough has gotten pretty bad, hasn’t it? You’re either going to blow a blood vessel or be picking your eye balls up off the ground. Enough already! Those immune supressants for our RA make it alot more likely to pick up more wonderful diseases.I don’t understand me,Let’s get some help. See ya round if you don’t blow out you’re eyeballs.

Head in the sand Me.

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Dear Me:

I have been trying to figure out why I started to smoke in the first place. It was tv shows back then that showed the people smoking and cigarette ads on the tv. Seing many adults smoke including family members from parents to grand parents and aunts and uncles. It seemed like the thing to do then. Parents asking you to go light them a cigarette….to go get their cigarettes. So here I am trying to figure out what it would be like to be smoke free since I was about 8 years old. I don’t recall what it is like. I struggle with the thought of quitting and then seem to smoke even more. I know that I would like to be free of them and just don’t seem to love myself enough to be able to quit. I know that I need help with this. The big question……Can I do it and make it forever?



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Dear Me:


Remember 4 years ago when my grandson asked for a Christmas present.? I asked him what that was, and unselfishly he said he wanted me to quit smoking. I promised I would. Four years later I now have COPD and am still smoking. Everytime he sees me he asks me the same question. I feel so guilty. I am trying to quit. It is not easy but I swear that by this Christmas I will finally keep my promise to him. I love my grandchildren and want to be around for a long time.




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Dear Me:


You sampled your first cigarette at 10 years old. Your parents quit when you were eight years old. You went home and told them immediately. However, when you became of age, smoking was a way to ‘fit in’! It became an automatic habit thanks to the nasty demonic creepster named NICOTINE. In my later years, I was able to smoke a nicotine free cigarette. Do yourself a favor, see if you can find one and try it. Smoking a number of these without nicotine can rapidly smarten you up to how hideous this habit truly is! I am very happy to remind myself that it is 11 years now since I quit smoking for good AND I mean that 100%, for good! I planned on the way to quit; I did not want to replace my habit with food. So this is what I did. I went out and bought the nicotine patches; a bonus for me was that they were on sale at the time,too! Then I went and got some of the best smelling stuff I could find. This concoction of a scented bliss known as Toasted Hazelnut Oil came in a large glass bottle at the Bath & Body store…scoffed it up immediately. Day one a whole nicotine patch went on and every time I wanted a cigarette, I sprayed the scented oil on my left hand inhaling the aroma deeply until the urge to smoke passed. Day two, I put on a whole patch again and followed the scent route vs cigarette smoking. Day three, I went to a half patch until day six. Then I went on to one third of a patch for three days, then one quarter of a patch for the duration until I was all out of patches. By then, I was no longer smoking and smelling pretty good all the time! Cigarettes STINK! I don’t miss them a bit…I love breathing!

Deep Breath/Big Smile,



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Dear Me,


To Quit smoking is hard, however would I miss that panicy feeling in the middle of the night when I can’t find one, or miss the smell in my hair, my clothes, ect. ? How about looking at my children, they learn by example… It is really scarey to have something controling my life. Being free would feel great! Anything is possible!!




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Dear Me:


I have been a smoker for over ten years and am ready to quit. Its such a waste of money, tastes gross, makes my breath horrible, and shortens my life span. Why am I paying someone to kill me slowly?




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Dear Me,

You saw what smoking did to your father, you begged your mother to quit so she would stop caughing so much, you see the wrinkles on your face from smoking its time to get down to business and quit. I know that its going to be hard but u have been through worse so lets just do it and get it done.

Sincerely, me

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Dear Me,


You really have to do it this time! You cough all the time even at night and you know that it is because of smoking, stop kidding yourself in believing that if you smoke less you will cough less. You have done many things you thought were impossible and succeeded, this is no different. You have to want it for yourself and give it 100% to be successful. Don’t give up, life is too short to waste on cigatette smoking and think of all the money you will save. Stop smoking now or smoking will stop you dead in your tracks!




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Dear Me:


Your parents died of cancer and your doctor told you that you need to quit smoking before it’s too late. I know it’s hard and I know you’ve tried, but try again because you can do it. You have two beautiful grandchildren that will, someday, want you to meet their children. Make sure you’re around to do it, you have the power.



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Dear Me,

You are still pinching yourself in disbelief that it has been over 30 years
you quit.  You broke the addiction, you gained a cleaner healthier body and
lungs.  The tobacco company that has no conscience that someone suffers in
such agony with lung cancer with blood dripping out of their mouth with
lesions that have ruptured are no longer making money off you. A billion
dollar empire off impending death. Whatever it took to quit you succeeded
and you will never go back. You want to beg the person in front of you in
line buying a pack to come to a better sense.  You hope reading this will
help. Yes! it can be done!!!!



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Dear Me,

I was 10-11 my Aunt started me smoking, she wanted company to go with her
in the woods and smoke. We’d steal a pack from my grandfather’s car cause
ha always kept them in there, right out in the open. He did figure it out
after a while. You should have stopped then cause you really did not
inhale. But no you had to let your brothers influence capture you and made
you learn how to inhale so you could prove him wrong. So now your getting
hooked on them. You smoked for yrs. through your first daughters birth and
up to your second daughter’s pregnancy. Why did you not stop before I was
pregnant the first time? You helped cause your oldest daughter to have
asthma. But you did finally stop when you were pregnant with you second.
Why then? Because you were finally listening to your body and to
you child’s life. I finally quit when I was three months into my pregnancy.
You could not smoke it kept making you sick till you could no longer, you
had to listen, finally and did it you quit, and have never gone back to it.
Oh so many times I would want a smoke but you have been very good and have
never started again. Good for you, you did something for the good for
yourself, know if I can fix,change a few other things needed in my life.
Hurray for me, I did it. Been smoke free for 22 yrs. now and counting,
never to go back.



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Dear Me,

You stole your fathers cigarettes to get him to quit, but he didn’t, until he
died. Now you have started smoking since you were 15; here it is 30 years
later you are still smoking. But you even had a heart attack, you think you
would quit then, but no, you didn’t. Then here it is two years later, you have
quit now for six weeks, and the reason you quit is because of a foster
child that you have every other week.


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Dear Me:

You did it! You never thought you would, but it’s been 2 1/2 years, and you
are still smoke free. You smell great, your wallets fatter, and most
importantly, your 7 year old stepdaughter’s quality of life has
dramatically changed. She’s proud of you, and will be reminding you of that
for a VERY long time.

Sincerely, Me

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Dear Me,

It’s been about 14 years I finally gave you up. I am very happy you can’t
control me anymore, But I do have to say there are times when I am stressed
out I would love to pick you up and have get that 1  relax feeling again,
but I fight it off. I know how you are so addicting and all its going to
take that 1 time and you will have me again. I keep thinking of my dad
having hard time breathing. I remember those black walls & ceilings that I
had to wash & paint. My clothes always having a terrible odor and I would
have to carry perfume because you have a dead smell about you.
My dad & mom smoked & I hated it & today my brothers smoke. I am worry
about his kids and when they grow up.
Dear cigarettes please stay away. You are nothing but trouble and you are
just looking to do is to kill me….and I will refuse to let it happen. My
life is too precious to let that happen.    I have a whole life ahead of
me. My first grandbaby was just born and I will not let you be around.
Thank You,


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Dear Kim,

Take a look back at your life and see all the positive things you have accomplished to make the lives of so many people better.How good you must feel about helping other people through hard times.
Now look back and see the one person you seemed to forget about helping out.And how you are still neglecting her.Got the picture?
Yes, thats right,it’s you, Kim.You can’t go back to right the wrongs butyou can start taking care of yourself today. YES i KNOW ITS HARDER THAN CARING OF OTHERS ,but its time to step up the challenge. YOU HAVE TO START SOMEWHERE,SO WHY DONT YOU START BY KICKING YOUR BUT INTO GEAR AND GETTING RID OF YOUR WORST HABIT.Yes kim, Smoking.Just throw away the pack and rely on your best friend to help you to succeed. She helps lots of others and i know she loves you enough to strive for your success. Thats right honey,it’s you so take a deep breath and do the toss.

Love Forever


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Dear Me:

I can remember growing up playing house with my friends and using a crayon as a cigarette. Then I remember finding a pack of cigarettes and trying them. It was yucky but cool so I endured the inhaling. My Mom even made me inhale a cigarette when I was young to prove that it was sickening because I used to play with my fathers cigarettes.( and it was I turned green and threw up )
I started smoking at such a young age because it was the cool thing to do. When Mom caught me with my smokes at 14 she was furious since she never smoked. But Dad did and even though he quit for 15 years he still died of stage 4 lung and brain cancer. The damage was done. Then My best friend died 6 months after him of lung cancer. I was devestated.
I swore to myself I would quit when they died but I keep making excuses on how I just need to get through this and that stressful event…..what a load of bullcrap. Dad and Patricia died 4 years ago and I am still smoking.
I hate the fact that I am killing myself. I hate smelling like smoke. I hate my animals having to breathe second hand smoke.
My son just got married and I am excited to have Grandchildren. I want to quit for them so I can grow old and watch them have children too…..WHY CAN’T I JUST STOP????? (As I am lighting up right now to finish out this letter)
I need serious help. Please HELP ME…..I want to LIVE a HEALTHY life, because I know all to well how precious and short life can be.
I am so ashamed of myself. I have Been Clean and sober for 7 years but I SMOKE~!!!!



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Dear Me,

Now that’s it’s gotten to the point that you’re relying on inhalers to help you breathe easier every day, seriously-isn’t it time to quit smoking?! You’re only 55 years old and there is so much you want to do and wheezing and being short of breath is stopping you from enjoying life. Keep praying every morning that God gives you the strength to hang on to this quit this time… can do it~~~it’s day 3 and you’re already breathing easier and you already feel better!!! You can do it girl…I love you~



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Dear Me:

You watched your father have his last cigarette as they wheeled him into surgery to have 1/2 his lung removed because of cancer.
You quit 30 years ago.. it was one of the hardest things you had to go thru in your life. Do it for yourself… do it for your family. It is very hard to do…. but you can do it.

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Dear Me,

You never should have smoked cigarettes to begin with.
You thought you were cool, holding and smoking that cigarette, the same way that your mother did.
Now look at what you have done.
You have no teeth.
You have had bronchitis, and sore throats because of your smoking.
Your car, clothes, and apartment reeks of the nasty smell from the cigarettes.
Your adult children are smoking, even though you have explained to them from a young age, that cigarettes were nasty and bad for you, and everyone around them.
You don’t feel cool holding that cigarette, now that you are grown-up,
do you?
You are embarrassed to let others know you smoke.
You reek of cigarette smoke.
You are so addicted to cigarettes that your attempts to quit have failed.
You are left out of getting certain jobs, because you smoke.
You have spent so much money throughout the years on cigarettes.
The money you spent, could have been used for a savings, in times of need.
You could be using that money for the food you lack, instead of smoking to feel full.
Maybe someday, you will smarten up and quit, before it is too late to
recover from the bodily harm that cigarettes cause.You never should have smoked cigarettes to begin with.
You thought you were cool, holding and smoking that cigarette, the same way that your mother did.
Now look at what you have done.
You have no teeth.
You have had bronchitis, and sore throats because of your smoking.
Your car, clothes, and apartment reeks of the nasty smell from the cigarettes.
Your adult children are smoking, even though you have explained to them from a young age, that cigarettes were nasty and bad for you, and everyone around them.
You don’t feel cool holding that cigarette, now that you are grown-up,
do you?
You are embarrassed to let others know you smoke.
You reek of cigarette smoke.
You are so addicted to cigarettes that your attempts to quit have failed.
You are left out of getting certain jobs, because you smoke.
You have spent so much money throughout the years on cigarettes.
The money you spent, could have been used for a savings, in times of need.
You could be using that money for the food you lack, instead of smoking to feel full.
Maybe someday, you will smarten up and quit, before it is too late to
recover from the bodily harm that cigarettes cause.


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Dear Me

You are smart and beautiful.  You are spirited and strong.  You are a dedicated mother and a loyal wife, but I’ve got to say… stink. Take a bath!

Why do you flush away all that hard earned money on something that makes you die?  I’ve heard of following in the footsteps of your ancestors, but do you really want to follow them to an early death?

Life is such a beautiful thing.  Every second that you spend with your family is the most precious gift.  Don’t you want to watch your kids grow and begin a life of their own? Don’t you want to age peacefully on a porch swing; your partner of 50 years by your side?

Take a breath! Get a clue! Get a life!  I love ya, but you’ve got to quit!


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Dear Me,

You started smoking because at the time smoking was everywhere.  You saw it in your parents home, at school, at work, even in hospitals!

Now it has become so unpopular that smokers can’t even smoke outside without getting looks of disapproval from complete strangers.

It is time to take a step back and look at what you are doing to yourself.  You are making yourself sick and are taking others down that path along with you.  The smell is horrid, and anyone that comes in your house or car ends up smelling horrid as well.

There is no better time to quit than now.  Make the previous cigarette you smoked your last.  Life is short, so don’t make it any shorter than it has to be.  Find the strength to take control of your mind and body, and let those cigarette companies find another sucker, because your life is too precious to waste.



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Dear Me:

You always swore that you would never be a smoker. Just because your entire family smoked didn’t mean you had to. Then College came along and that goal failed.Why did you have to succumb to peer pressure.  Don’t you know what you are doing to your lungs.  Not to mention it isn’t an attractive quality.  You your house and your car all smell horrible.  You claim that you can’t quit of your insomnia. Well guess what these won’t be an issue if your dead.  Plus think of all the money you will save; Maybe even take that long awaited honeymoon.  With all the money spent on that nasty tobacco over the last 15 years you could have been on 100 honeymoons.

Come on you can do it.  You have the love and support from friends and family.  Just think how much better you will feel.  If you quit maybe you can inspire others in your family to do so as well.

No more excuses! I am rooting for you!


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Dear Me,

It’s been 11 years since I quit smoking…and the only reason I quit was being on hormone medication and laughing each month at the warning in the package to “Not smoke while on this medication…can cause stroke or heart attack”.  I should of believed what I read  and listened to my son hounding me to quit. I would not have had a heart attack.  If I had to do it again? I would quit immediately.  I hope everyone realizes the many bad things it can do to you. It was difficult to stop “cold turkey”, although I AM ALIVE and gracious.


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Dear Me,

Thank you for quitting smoking.  I know that this has been the hardest thing you have had to do.  It has only been three months and I know the cravings are bad sometimes, but keep up the good work and don’t be afraid to ask for help.  You watched your parents suffer from smoking related diseases and you don’t want your children to see you go through the samething.  You health has already improved, just keep going. Even though you have gained 10 lbs, you are still beautiful.

Take Care,

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Dear Me:

My kids begged me to stop.  I smoked for over 20 years.  It was something I didn’t think I could do.   BUT  guess what I did. I haven’t smoked in almost 4 years.  There isn’t a day that goes buy that I don’t think  about smoking.  It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do..  If I can do it you can too…


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Dear Me,

There are two beautiful children sleeping on your lap. You are their role model do you want them to smoke? Be the example show them how strong you are and quit. Not just for you … for them and their health also.



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Dear Me,

Every moring I wake up and say “I will not smoke” – but then I do.   I look in the mirror and see the wrinkles and say “I would look better if I didn’t smoke” – but I do.  My clothes smell, my family complains -I need to stop – but I haven’t.  I know it is going to be hard to quit smoking – but I must.



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Dear Me,

you grew up seeing mom with a cig in her hand daily. you promised yourself at 10 that you wouldnt ever smoke….what happened? do you realize that when kayla looks at you shes thinking the same thing? the world doesnt need another motherless daughter. u need to quit..for her.



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Dear Me:

Tell all those parents that are still smoking to STOP RIGHT NOW.  Your children should never see you die like I watched my mother die from smoking related illness.



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Dear Me,

As a child….Mom and Dad would puff away while you choked and begged for them to stop. In Jr. high somehow… you thought it was cool to smoke with your friends.

Fast forward 20 years to Mom’s second heart procedure in 8 months. You couldn’t change Mom, but…. you could change yourself! Quitting speaks volumes to your son!



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Dear Me,

   You know you want to stop, you say you hate the smell the way it hurts your sinus.  The horrible odor that follows you everywhere it’s on your clothes, in your hair, on your skin. you will never get a boyfriend with that stench as your shadow.  Your son will breathe better without a jacket hanging around that smells like it just came from giant ashtray. You should be feel lucky that you can breathe knowing you sucked on those tobacco sticks for 40 years of your life, yeah you should be thanking something for still even being here.  I know it will be a tough road to go down, but you’ve seen tougher, watched others suffer through things, this is a piece of cake compared to what you’ve seen. You always want to do for others, volunteer, help out with events or whatever, do you really think you will stay in shape and be able to do these things if you light up again?  NO, you won’t you will be too busy trying to walk up a stair, or carrying your oxygen with you everywhere, or not even leaving the house at all because you are dying and too weak to even move.  Is taking a drag now worth the drag you will become?  Is feeling good from that lousy stick of tobacco  worth the pain and heartache and the I should of’s 10 or 20 years from now, or maybe tomorrow.  Do you always want to worry about the result of that next doctor appointment?
So you are gaining a little weight, isn’t that what weight watchers is for, isn’t that why they sell healthy snacks at the stores,don’t you think a carrot stick an orange to suck on would be better than the chemicals you would put into your body with a cigarette?  Start a journal quit and relax, take your time, find other things to do, walk take extra showers, start a blog, write a letter,(LOL),Do anything you can think of but do not go back to that horrible, smelly , addicting habit you call smoking.  Besides smoking is for barbecues not humans!

Sincerely, Cher

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Dear Me:

This is just another step along the way, and if you let something stand in your way of this, there will be something standing in your way of everything!
Love yourself,

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Dear Me

OK – you’ve tried everything from cigarest to lifeline to hypnosis before and always failed. You enjoy smoking but your wallet cannot afford it and neither can your health. You have one kind of cancer now. Do you want another. If you opt for reconstructive surgery you know you have to be smoke-free for at least 2 months. So it has been 36 years and the longest you have gone without a cigarette is one and a half weeks while you were dying from chemo. The odds are against you. It is going to be near impossible, but you can do this. Quit date next Saturday. Love you.


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Dear Me,

I Dear say i smoke. N it sucks!!! I roll mine, n it sucks! Please help me if ya can!!

– Jacki

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Dear Me,

i started smoking 50 years ago,when i got married and decided to have children i stopped smoking, it was very hard for me.
i used to dream about smoking in the restroom at work, but i made it, and stopped smoking for 20 years.
one day i discovered that all my children were smoking behind my back.
i said to hell with it and started smoking again. ten years later i had a massive heart attack and had to have open heart surgery.
i didn’t smoke for a couple months and decided to start smoking my favorite pipe after meals and it just kept going.
now i smoke at least a pack of cigs, two or three cigars, and sometimes my pipe.
i now have copd, use a bipap mask at night along with oxygen, and have been in the hospital 3 times this year. i have tried to quit cold turkey 4 times and it hasn’t worked.
i know that i want to quit but am having a hard time on my own, i know no one can make me quit except myself, i just need help, by the way my name is james.

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Dear Me:

I went to visit my Dad for Fathers day. He is in Rehab in Haverhill, Ma he is there because of years of smoking and he can’t breathe. Watching him trying to breathe is so hard and I don’t want my daughter watch me go through what he is. As a child I remember my father trying and trying to quit smoking. Now all he can do is try to breathe. He told me its like he is underwater. I have been smoking my hole life. It seem’s like. I hate smelling like cig. Help please.

– Sheryl

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Dear Me:

Dear Me,
I know it’s only been three months since you quit smoking after 35 years but think of how much better you will feel soon.  Already you don’t seem to be out of breath so easy and you don’t have yellow fingers or reek of smoke.  And think of how funny you thought it was the other day when it took you 5 minutes to find a match to light a fire in the back yard.  Keep it up and it will get easier every day.  Me

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Dear Me,
Congratulations! It has been 27 years this June that you became a non-smoker. You had to face a lot of “truths” about smoking before you could quit.
Truths about smoking:
It felt good to do it, once upon a time. You thought it made you look chic.
It may have helped cope with stress.
It really didn’t solve any problems and created more.
It made you cough day and night. It made you stink. It made your teeth yellow and gums bleed. It gave you sallow skin and wrinkles. You burned holes in things. It caused the people around you to cough. It made you defiantly break rules and smoke where you know you shouldn’t. It made you skip eating so you could afford smokes. It made you angry when people told you to stop. It made your voice hoarse and you coudn’t sing. You couldn’t climb any stairs. You were short of breath behind the wheel of your car. It made you go out in bad weather to buy some so you wouldn’t run out….
The truth about becoming a non-smoker:
It was hard. There was no NRT or pills to help back then.
You were scared. You tried so many times and “failed”. You learned that “failure” was to not keep trying. You learned more about being a non-smoker with each attempt.
One glorious day in June you quit for one hour, then another hour and then one more until you had 24 hours. One by one until it became easier and easier.
You gained a few pounds that first year, then took it off.
Your teeth stayed got whiter, gums healed and wrinkles softened.
You saved thousands of dollars and buy yourself a reward every year in June.
Your stress decreased as you realized that most of your stress was the addiction.
You learned that there is no “just one puff”. The non-smokers around you could breathe. You can climb stairs, walk for miles, ride a bike.
You learned to be kinder and more understanding to people in the grips of addictions.
You are free. No one made me quit but me.
Love, Me

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Dear Me Letter

Dear Me,

Why be so selfish? You have a beautiful wife and 3 year old daughter is smoking that important to you? I guess the answer is yes or you wouldn’t be writing this letter. Changes need to be made if you want to see your daughter grow up. Family is the most important thing to you so make the change and quit smoking before they take you away from the ones you love. Your family and health are much more important than cigarettes.


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